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Sunday School
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Sunday School

Children’s Ministry News  

Sunday School

Sunday School

All children ages 3-12 meet their teacher following Pastor Tim’s Children’s Message. They gather in our classroom for a bible lesson and activity. The kids are escorted back to the sanctuary for communion with their family.


If anyone would like to join the teaching team, we are always looking for help!  Please let Jennifer know.


Lutheran Young Fellowship Experience

LYFE Lutheran Young Fellowship Experience  

We meet from 4:15-6:00. Our meetings begin with team-building and character building activities, bible teachings and personal reflection, art projects, cooking activities and games followed by our youth choir sessions with Mr. V. All children, 2nd through 6th grade are welcome.   


Young people in grades 7 and 8 participate in Confirmation classes. This is a special program designed to help youth grow in their knowledge of the Bible and the Christian faith (with special focus on our Lutheran traditions and identity.)  


The confirmation program also provides an opportunity for service and the experience of other types of ministries in the greater church. The individualized learning format allows for flexible class schedules with clearly defined expectations and goals for the young people in their growth toward becoming Confirmed members of Holy Spirit.


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