The Church in the Woods
Sunday Services
Ministry News
​​Tuesday LYFE Began
August 27
Sunday School Begins September 15.
Links to sign up for Sunday Service Ministry is on our Volunteer page.
We joyfully gather weekly at 9:30 AM to celebrate our blessings. The jubilant sound of the organ amidst our beautiful Sanctuary help inspire us to worship and praise our Lord.
Services are currently being live-streamed each Sunday on our FaceBook page. Previous service recordings are also viewable on our page.
Thursday Bible Study 10:15 to 11:30 a.m.
Thursday Bible Study resumes September 5th. In September we will begin studying the book by New York Times bestselling author Jim Wallis, "The False White Gospel". ​​​​​
Wallace is Georgetown University's director of its Center on Faith and Justice, and has served on the White House Advisory Council on Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships, and has been named as one of the 500 most influential people shaping policy in Washington D.C. Join us for some spirited discernment and conversation! We always close our time together in prayer.
Something for Everyone
Join Us As You Are Able
Sunday School is held during the 9:30 service, after the Children's sermon. Children ages three to six (pre-school to 1st grade) take part in engaging Bible-based lessons designed for their age and development.
LYFE (Lutheran Youth Fellowship Experience) is a faith and life-enriching program for 2nd-6th graders who participate in Bible activities: games, skits, crafts, cooking, etc. followed by the youth choir. We meet every Tuesday from 4:00-6 PM.
EXPOS (Experienced People of the Spirit) is a group of seniors enjoying fellowship and outings on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
Adult Choir rehearses on Wednesday Evenings from 7 to 8 pm and Sunday mornings, at 8:30.
The bells and brass rehearse on alternate Sundays at 10:45 AM.
The Quilting Group meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month to make quilts for Lutheran World Relief. Join the laughter and camaraderie. No experience necessary!
The Prayer Group meets every Thursday morning from 9:30 -10 AM in the Prayer Chapel to pray for church and community members.
Thursday Bible Study meets every week from 10:15 -11:30 AM. Join us for some spirited conversation!